By Chenell Washington
Last week, Nick spoke on being a hope dealer from 2 Kings 6:8-17. This story is about Elisha, the prophet, warning his home country of Israel about the king of Aram’s locations for battle. Somehow, the king of Aram found out that it was Elisha that was giving this information and thus wanted to kill him. The army eventually does find Elisha and his servant. Immediately, his servant is scared (as we all would be).
Here are a few things we can learn from this story:
1. Don’t be afraid.
With the enemy surrounding them, Elisha says to his servant, “Do not be afraid." These words come up many times in the Bible and they are often the first words that are spoken in a terrifying situation, many times, coming from Jesus himself. Both Jesus and Elisha knew the truth that “there are more on our side than on their side." One of the first things you should do in a situation that feels overwhelming, impossible, or threatening, is to take a step back and think about this situation and remember that there are more on your side!
2. Stop to Pray.
Paul wrote to the Roman church, “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). Since God is the source of all hope, doesn't it make sense to go to him when you need hope. Elisha knew that the only way for his servant to have hope was to pray. Of course, there was nothing wrong with his physical eyes. It was perfectly clear to him that the army of Aram was surrounding them. But, Elisha prayed that God would open up his spiritual eyes. Paul talks about this again in his letter to the Corinthian church, “But whoever turns to the Lord the veil is taken away” (2 Corinthians 3:16). Through prayer, you can be assured that God is on your side and comforted that you are not alone.
3. Spread encouragement.
By Elisha knowing all of this, he was able to spread encouragement. In Romans 15, Paul writes about serving others and building them up in the Lord, “I am convinced brother and sister, that you are full of goodness. You know these things so well you can teach each other all of them” (Romans 15:14). Elisha was teaching his servant what was true about their situation.
So this week, if you’re facing your own versions of Aram’s armies that are around you, remember these three things: Don’t be afraid, stop to pray, and spread encouragement to those around you.
Let us know your thoughts below!
If you’d like to hear more about this, please be sure to watch Hope Dealers below and/or study 2 Kings 6.
Chenell lives in a Chicago Suburb with her family while working with the elderly. She loves to write movie scripts and is apart of the Anchor Church Launch Team.